Any teenager or adult that needs to go in for orthodontic treatment these days has one question on their mind: what sort of impression will they give out in their social circle if they have a metal mouth? Orthodontic treatment to correct teeth alignment is generally associated with traditional metal braces. But thanks to technology […]
Best Yoga Poses to Overcome Fatigue
We often find ourselves struggling to open our eyes even after the full 8 hours of sleep, struggling to function the entire day despite the thousand mugs of coffee unknowingly gulped down the throat. Despite endless efforts to fix that, we find ourselves in the same spiral over and over again. There can be a […]
5 Most Common Stress Disorders & Their Treatments
Stress disorder is a term which encapsulates various mental illnesses. Stress disorders include several psychiatric conditions, and they should be taken seriously. Doctors have concluded that every stress disorder starts with minor changes in one’s personality. However, these changes lead to severe problems. It has also been observed that stress disorders are prevalent these days. […]
How Your Dental Health Affects Your Body
In order to avoid that unpleasant toothless grin, we need to take care of our oral hygiene. We might find simple routines like brushing or flossing boring, but they are more important than most people imagine! Did you know that dental health affects the whole body as well? Let’s learn more on the matter! Gum […]
Top 8 Healthiest Sports to Play
If you’re considering taking up a sport, but are not sure which one is the healthiest and most appropriate for you, take a look at the following list of the most popular and healthiest sports you should consider. Just remember that they all involve a risk of injury, albeit a low one, so make sure […]
Best Ways to Help Baby With Colic
Colic is the most common problem most babies and parents experience. Stomach cramps are the most probable explanation, although babies happen to cry tirelessly also because of feelings of discomfort, or any outside stress they may experience. The treatment does not include medication, especially since we see it as a normal period, and we just […]