Protein. You hear about it all the time. Protein helps you build muscle. Protein helps you lose weight. Use this protein powder. Use that protein powder. “Get 15% off with my code, link in bio.” “This is the next big thing in protein.” It’s everywhere. So where do we get started? Well, let’s begin at […]
Why Your Family Deserves Homegrown and Homemade Food
The world we all share is looking worse and worse each day. Pollutants are entering the ground and the water in unprecedented amounts, the food is being treated with all kinds of pesticides and other chemicals, many of which are not really suitable for regular consumption and we must not forget about genetic modification of […]
On the Safety of Soy
Studies keep coming to illustrate the many benefits of soy. Whether we are looking to reduce cholesterol, minimize menopausal symptoms, or to protect against health problems, I would say that soy is a simple yet effective way to help us take control of our health. I believe with Reliv’s advanced soy-based products, harnessing the power […]
Plain Talk About Soy Foods – Great-Tasting, Safe & Healthy
(This article was extracted from Soy foods are low in fat, cholesterol free, high in protein, fiber and iron, they contain essential omega-3 fatty acids and are absolutely safe to eat. Health experts from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the American Cancer Society, and the American Heart Association recommend soy foods such […]
Soy Food Consumption and Coronary Heart Disease
Soy Food Consumption Is Associated with Lower Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Chinese Women (note 1). This article was extracted from “The Journal of Nutrition,” Xianglan Zhang, Xiao Ou Shu, (note 2) Yu-Tang Gao,* Gong Yang, Qi Li,* Honglan Li,* Fan Jin* and Wei Zheng Department of Medicine, Center for Health Services Research, […]
Fermented and non-fermented soy food consumption and gastric cancer
This article was extracted from “The Official Journal of the Japanese Cancer Association.” Fermented and non-fermented soy food consumption and gastric cancer in Japanese and Korean populations: A meta-analysis of observational studies Jeongseon Kim (note 1, 3), Moonsu Kang (note 1), Jung-Sug Lee (note 1), Manami Inoue (note 2), Shizuka Sasazuki (note 2) and Shoichiro […]