This is to inform that with effect from 1 August 2022, this site will temporarily not accepting new guest bloggers for publishing content. However, guest post will still be accepted and published if you are already an existing guest blogger with us.
Thank you for your support.
Do you want to write a guest post for
If you do, we would be happy to consider publishing your post.
We are pretty flexible about what can be published with us, nevertheless, we have the following that needs your attention:
- The content must be good, relevant and useful to the readers and must be original. We are interested in content relating to health and beauty, food and diet, nutrition, exercise, cooking, healthy lifestyle and so on; however, if it has been published anywhere else, we don’t want it.
- Although we are not too serious about word count requirement so long the post is as long as it needs to be, and no longer; however, in order to provide the “depth” of your submitted article to the readers and to rank well in the online search results, we prefer to accept articles with a word count of not less than 800 words. As far as the number of anchor text links is concerned and as a general rule, if the word count is less than 800 words, only one (1) anchor text link is allowed (revised and effective from 10 August 2015). We would like to advise that we reserve the right to remove broken links from guest articles submitted to us.
- We required image(s) to be embodied in your article. The image(s) must be uploaded directly from your computer, we discourage providing URL to link to the image source. For better ranking in search engines, you MUST name and put “Alt Text” for your image(s) appropriately. The width size of the image(s) must not be more than 500px in order for it to display properly in the site’s content area. If there is a need for larger width size, please let us know.
- You have to create your Author Bio in the ‘Biographical Info’ section’ in your profile page after we have created an author account for you. The Author Bio is compulsory for us to publish your post. Once an author account has been created for you, a login username and password will be sent to you by email for you to write and to upload your article/web video/image/picture and so on.
- Please understand that we may edit your post. It doesn’t matter how good your post is, we will still give it an editorial pass before it goes live on our blog. It’s nothing personal, just standard procedure on almost every serious blog that runs guest posts.
- You may refer this page for content styling guide.
- Please allow not less than 8 working days for your submitted article to be published.
Again, please make sure you have your image and your author bio ready, otherwise, your submitted article will not be accepted and published. For better ranking in search engines, please name and put “Alt Text” for your image(s) appropriately. We are serious!
That’s all there is to it. You may register to be an author by contacting us.