Fairy tales are an indispensable part of everyone’s childhood. While some parents prefer modern, less cruel fairy tales or their screen adaptations, it is important that children are reading fairy tales or listening to their parents reading. Screen adaptations of fairy tales can not replace the original story as they often do not show the whole richness and complexity of the original.
Kids should start reading and being read fairy tales from the age of four, because only then a child can realize the existence of experience outside their own. We’re here to show why are fairy tales so important for a healthy development and a happy childhood.
Life Lessons
Many moral lessons of fairy tales are different from their screen adaptation versions. The moral of the „Little Mermaid” was not to marry a prince, but the realization that our actions have consequences. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller explained that the deeper meaning often lies in the fairy tales that you have listened in your childhood than in any truth you learned in life. Fairy tales will teach us very well how to distinguish right from wrong because their lessons are clear even for children.
Fairy Tales raise hope in redemption, victory of good over evil, hope that the enemy will be defeated. Always emphasize the victory of good over evil and the combined force of the child and the parents who can frighten and drive away all the witches and evil beings in the world. Children’s awareness of the real events comprises only a small part of the experience and largely of the imagination and that is why the kids love happy endings and the hope of fairy tales.
Critical thinking
Fairy tales teach children to think critically, in the way that they clearly show to the children the consequences of the decisions and actions of the characters.
Cultural appreciation
The best way to introduce children to the particular culture is to read its stories to them. Thus we should read to them the Norse mythology, African folk tales, The Arabian Nights, Brothers Grimm.
Fairy tales teach children about cultural diversity, teach them common ground mythology and offer them a richer literary experience.
They’re fun
Children listen to fairy tales with astonishing care and admiration. Sometimes child asks you to constantly re-read the same story and you should do so. Soon enough they will learn the story by heart and will be happy to retell it. It is important to nurture their imagination, but also create an environment where child can actually connect with their favorite hero. There’s always an opportunity when organizing a birthday party or any celebration to reward a child by giving them the opportunity to meet their favorite character. You can bring that character to life by checking out party performers, like Fairy Princess Parties, that are amazing at what they do and will set the perfect fairy tale atmosphere your child will remember their whole life.
Harsh truth
Many fairy tales have truths that are difficult to accept. Fairy tales can, sometimes, helps us to talk with our children about the ugly things, because life does not consist only of happy moments. Unfortunately, bad things happen, and the children should be prepared for hard times.
A ticket to the world of imagination
Fairy tales draw children into the world of fantasy and encourage their imagination. As Einstein once said: “If you want your child to be intelligent read him/her fairy tales, and if you want it to be very intelligent, read him/her even more fairy tales”.
What fairy tales to read?
The most important thing when choosing the right fairy tale for your child is to pay a great attention on your child while reading a fairy tale. The best indicator that we have chosen the right fairy tale is if the child listens to it very carefully and asks us to read it again.