Itchy skin on your face, pimples, dryness, redness, and irritation are all signs of sensitive skin and asks for your attention. However, as you probably already know, what works for one person has no effect on another, and what really helped that distant relative of yours may cause an outbreak on your face. So, how do you find the best way to treat your sensitive skin without experimenting too much and damaging it further?
The truth behind sensitive skin
A doctor will never diagnose you with sensitive skin because it is not a medical condition, but they will tell you that you have it since it is a skin type after all. On the other hand, the expression ‘sensitive skin’ may also label one of the medical conditions. If you notice your skin has suddenly become more sensitive to cold air, you get sunburn easily, and it gets red more often than it used to, it means your skin has become more sensitive. People with sensitive skin often have allergic reaction to skin care products and must choose their makeup and cosmetics very carefully.
If your skin becomes scaly and rough
This is a more serious condition and it means that you could have an eczema flare-up. Healthy skin is a filter and a membrane, keeping the moisture and oils on the inside and letting go of unnecessary. On the other hand, when you have eczema, it means that your barrier is too thin, and you are losing too much water and oils. Dry skin and eczema are similar, but eczema must be treated with special products and not simple moisturizers. Talk to your dermatologist and see what they recommend you should do to restore you skin’s health.
If your skin if itchy and dry
This usually means that your cleanser is too strong and that it’s drying out your skin too much. It may come as a surprise, for there are women who always use the same products and suddenly discover that their skin reacts differently. This is perfectly normal because as we grow older, so does our skin. We don’t enjoy the same things at different parts in our life, so you should find another cleanser (a bit milder one) and see if the situation improves.
If you blush too easily
Easily blushing, noticing small blood vessels under your skin, getting pimples and red ‘stamps’ means you probably have rosacea. This condition requires special regime, you should avoid things too hot and too cold, learn to relax because stress triggers the redness, and change your cosmetics. Try organic skin care with honey and avocado, and when buying products and cosmetics check the label to see if they contain perfume or additives. Hint – the shorter the ingredient list, the better results you will get.
If you notice red bumps on your skin
These red bumps are not pimples, they simply appear and can itch terribly. If you notice them, it means that you are allergic to something you use – cleanser, soap, makeup, crème, or serum. The most usual triggers are alcohol, paraben preservatives, fragrances and artificial dyes. Calm the inflammation with hydrocortisone cream, and check with your dermatologist to see what you are allergic to and which products should you use instead.
Of course, you will have to experiment with different ingredients and approaches in order to find the best possible solution which will be perfect for you. However, don’t be too enthusiastic, but rather careful – test your masks and homemade serums first before you apply them to your face. You don’t want to go to school or work looking like you’ve just been fried.