Being a responsible parent, or partner meas taking good care of your family and their wellbeing. Still, no matter how hard we try to keep our loved ones out of harm’s way there are dozens and dozens of health hazards all around our home, and we are not even aware of them. Who would think that those hazards can lurk even in our homes, places where we feel the safest and most protected. Well, to quote Frank Herbert – “Knowing where the trap is — that’s the first step in evading it.” So, let’s take a look at some of the most notorious health hazards you can find in your home and see how you can prevent and avoid them.
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide comes off as a result of burning or combustion. Still even
if you don’t own a fireplace and don’t use too much candles, you have to be aware that this poisonous gas can also be produced by your heating system, water heater, or any other appliance that uses oil, coal or gas. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning may include, lightheadedness, nausea and dizziness. In case you start feeling any of these symptoms on the regular basis, when you are at home, checking the levels of carbon monoxide is highly recommendable. In order to avoid them you should have your house appliances serviced every year, and equip your home with carbon monoxide detector.
Dangerous Chemicals
Antifreeze, pesticides, automotive fluids, rat poison, pool products… You name it, your household has it. If you want to avoid accidental poisoning it is of the utmost importance to keep them tightly sealed and stored off the ground in their original containers. It is also highly preferable to keep the room they are stored in frequently ventilated. Increased fresh air flow and regular airing-out of the spaces where you keep those chemicals can increase their hazardous effect significantly. Since they usually end up in a garage it would be a good idea to read few garage door opener reviews to see if you can do this chore remotely.
Water-Pitcher Filters
There are many people who don’t like to drink water from the municipal supply system and for a good reason too. Most of them replaced expensive bottled water with the more economical solution in the form of water filters. If you are one of them, know this – if you don’t change pitcher filters frequently enough they can pick up a lot of bacteria. That way you will get the opposite effect, and instead of purifying water further, you will be exposing your body to unwanted bacteria. So be sure to check them out every three months or even more frequently if you drink more water than its usual.
Ammonia Cleaners
Although we already mentioned various cleansers, we decided to give ammonia-based cleansers a special attention because, unlike antifreeze and pesticides, they are used much more frequently. Sometimes even on a daily basis. The problem lies in the fact that prolonged contact with ammonia can cause eye irritation and respiratory problems. If you or anyone of your family members
uses ammonia-based solutions be sure to have a pair of gloves and mask nearby so you don’t have to worry about these unpleasant consequences.
Yes, even toothpaste can harm your family. Well, at least if you are not using some herb-based or organic variety. Conventional toothpastes usually consist of mild abrasives like silica gels, sodium fluoride, calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. And while all of them do wonders for the brightness of your teeth, some researches indicate that sodium fluoride might be one of the factors causing bone cancer. Don’t gamble with such odds and simply use an organic toothpaste.
Although they can pose a threat even on their own (we have seen numerous times entire toy lines being recalled because they were painted with lead paint) toys are usually dangerous only if they’re misused. From parts that are easily detached and swallowed to sharp edges, and easily breakable toys. So, be sure to check all of your kids’ toys for small detachable parts that can be swallowed and cause chocking. Also, keep the toys away from any kind of dangerous chemicals, or house cleansers.
Danger can lurk even in the most unsuspected places. Our homes, most definitely, qualify as such. The best thing we can do to avoid these dangers is to stay informed and do whatever we can about prevention. It may sound shabby but “it’s better to be safe than sorry”.