Real People. Real Results.
Discover what Reliv nutrition could mean for you through these real-life stories of improved health and changed lives.
I hope you will find this product reviews page useful for you to make an informed decision whether Reliv products are right for you—in short, helping you live your best LIFE!
Please note that the statements contained in this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The personal testimonials shared reflect individual experiences and are not necessarily typical of the results you may obtain. Reliv products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Despite study after study proving soy’s benefits and the overwhelming support of the scientific community, myths about soy persist. In this video, Dr. Alfredo Galvez debunks one of the most common soy myths.
To order Reliv products, please click here.
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Reliv’s products are available in the United States, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Austria, Netherlands, France and Indonesia.
Reliv Europe can ship Reliv’s products to other European countries such as Belgium, Corsica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Luxembourg.
Embracing Nutrition
Name: Dawn Anderson
Hometown: Round Lake Beach, IL
Reliv Regimen: Reliv Now®, LunaRich X™, ReversAge®, Innergize!®, ProVantage®
Foggy Territory: For most of my life, I have experienced low energy, sleep issues, poor memory and brain fog.
Seeing the Light: After taking Reliv, my energy levels increased. Then my brain fog started to lift, and I have been sleeping through the night. I was amazed! My body embraced the nutrition that other supplements promised, but could not deliver.
On the Other Side: I have been taking Reliv for only a handful of months but feel better than I have in years! I had so much energy in January that I set a goal to become student of the month at my gym. I did 35 hard core classes in 30 days and made my goal! Thank you, Reliv!
Military Muscle
Name: Margaret Kealy
Hometown: From Chicago, IL, now in San Jose, CA
Reliv Regimen: ProVantage®, Innergize!®, Slimplicity®, LunaRich X™
Healthy Upbringing: I started using Reliv products around first grade. I am 22 years old and an officer in the military, so staying healthy is very important to me.
A Good Habit: I remember my mom meeting a woman at our house to discuss Reliv when I was just a kid. After that, with all the products we had at the house, Reliv became a habit. When I left for college, I brought Reliv products with me.
Real Results: With the help of Reliv, I have been able to lose 1.5 inches from my waist and achieve a personal best of 135 lbs flat bench press! I feel and look better than ever, and I love the challenge of each day at the gym. Reliv is the glue which holds my health regimen together.
Nothing Hurts and Everything Works
Name: Steve Sullivan
Hometown: Pocatello, Idaho
Reliv Regimen: Reliv Classic®, Innergize!®, LunaRich X™
Lucky Call: As a pro-level cyclist in 1994, I heard about Reliv completely by accident. Someone had called to talk to my roommate, but I got the Reliv message instead!
Bike Companion: Reliv has long been a part of my cycling regimen and the optimal nutrition has gotten me through injury and illness — and I’m sure helped with a lot of other things that I’ll never need to worry about.
Forever Young: I’m in my mid-50s and play like I’m in my mid-20s. I hit the ground hard, tweak body parts, climb high mountains and ride my bike fast for a long time. How can I do all this? Reliv, baby! Nothing hurts and everything works thanks to Reliv.
Faster, Stronger, Better
Name: Ryan Parr
Hometown: Kansas City, MO
Reliv Regimen: Reliv Now®, Innergize!®, ProVantage®, 24K®
Staying Active: I like to stay active. In college, I played basketball, football, track, tennis, and I was a nationally competitive cheerleader. Now in my early 30s, I still play sports and compete in adventure running, 5Ks and half marathons.
Scientific Solution: I lost hope in supplementing. I decided to increase my fruits and veggies instead. When someone told me about Reliv, I was very skeptical. I asked a lot of questions and was impressed by the scientific answers. After taking Reliv, I started feeling better about a month later. It boosted my immune system, and my energy levels are sky high.
Athletic Boost: Reliv has cut my recovery time by a third. Performance-wise, I am faster, stronger and lighter than ever. I am way more efficient now. I wish I would have found Reliv sooner!
Time for Skinny Jeans
Name: Sherrie Green
Hometown: LaHabra, CA
Reliv Regimen: Reliv Now®, Innergize!®, Slimplicity®, Cellebrate®, ProVantage®, GlucAffect®, LunaRich X™ and 24K™
Seeking Help: I tried to improve my health by taking vitamins but didn’t get the results I needed. In 2008, my daughter told me about Reliv by showing me a video.
Checking the Facts: Reliv is giving me health benefits that I had never seen before. I was born with some problems that I no longer experience. My daughter did a lot of research and I’m so glad I trusted her results!
Slimming Down: I’m seeing even better results now that LunaRich® is in Reliv Now and Slimplicity. I have lost 25 pounds and I’m still losing more! I’m able to wear clothes that I haven’t worn in a while and I love how it makes me feel!
A Healthy Ending
Name: Lori Storms
Hometown: Cologne, MN
“Anyone who uses LunaRich has a good story to tell,” says Lori Storms. “Once the LunaRich X™ capsules came out, I started to hear more and more stories. It took time for me to feel like I was at my best, and I decided to take more than one capsule per day, which helped me immensely.”
Lori and her husband, Hank, began taking Reliv products in May 2012. At first, Hank was skeptical but he couldn’t help but notice the improvement in his wife’s joint and sciatic nerve pain. “Then his cholesterol improved and he started to believe in the power of optimal nutrition,” she says.
As a full-time human resources worker, Lori has been able to share Reliv with many people at her company. “We are never going to stop taking these products,” she says. “They work!”
Staying Awake in Class
Name: Nick Liemandt
Hometown: Collegeville, MN
Reliv Regimen: 24K™, LunaRich X™, Reliv Now®, Reliv Now® for Kids, Arthaffect®, FibRestore®
No-Brainer: My mom started me on Reliv three years ago. She charged us $3 per day if we didn’t take our shakes. It was a no-brainer for me. I loved taking them!
One Step Ahead: Reliv is how I start my day. All of these other kids walk around with coffee mugs; I just grab a shot of 24K. By the afternoon, I don’t have to take a nap like my classmates. At the end of the day, I fall asleep right away and sleep through the night.
Staying Strong: I take a shot of 24K before I work out. I don’t have to deal with all of the crashes that many of my friends do after pumping caffeine into their bodies.
Pursuing My Passion
Name: Tamara Oudenaarden
Hometown: Calgary, AB, Canada
Life in Athletics: Member of 2010 Canadian speed skating team at Vancouver Olympics. Three-time qualifier for World Sprint Championships. Speed skating since age 7. Training full-time for 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia – 5-6 hours a day, six days a week. Events: 500m and 1000m.
Because of Reliv… “I can pursue my passion for speed skating knowing that I’m giving my body the nutrition it needs to excel. Reliv has been part of my training program for 10 years. It wakes me up, fuels my workouts and helps build up my strength. The best part is I know I’m giving my body all the nutrients it needs in one simple shake. Reliv was with me in Vancouver and it will be with me in Russia in 2014!”
Relief with Reliv
Name: Liza Hernandez Johnston
Home: Rapid City, SD
Reliv Regimen: Reliv Classic®, FibRestore®, Innergize!®, Slimplicity®, GlucAffect®, LunaRich X™
Enough is Enough: I suffered from terrible PMS symptoms for more than 20 years — debilitating cramps and terrible headaches every month. I even had an iron deficiency. None of the products I tried gave me any relief.
Chance Meeting: I was shopping one day and mentioned to someone that I had a headache. She started asking questions, and I told her about my health problems. Lucky for me she was a Reliv Distributor.
Sweet Relief: That was seven years ago. Today my iron levels are back up, and PMS and headaches are no longer issues. I feel great! Now I’m introducing other women like me to Reliv and thrilled to see them get results, too.
New Level of Wellness
Name: Shannon Shepherd
Home: Syracuse, NY
Reliv Regimen: Reliv Now®, LunaRich X™, Innergize!® and 24K®
Getting the Scoop: I’m a weekend sports anchor at News Channel 9 in Syracuse. At 24, I’m always looking for ways to stay healthy. Unfortunately, busy days can lead to grabbing a quick fast food meal or making dinner late at night.
6-5-4-3-2-1 Plan: I came up with a simple plan to keep on track: 6 glasses of waters a day, 5 LunaRich X Capsules a day, 4 workouts a week, 3 fruits/veggies a day, 2 Reliv shakes a day and 1 treat a day.
New Level of Wellness: My immune system is stronger and I have a great sense of wellbeing and calm, on and off the camera. I’m all about prevention and know that Reliv’s epigenetic nutrition will keep me healthy for years to come.
Feeling Like a Kid Again
Name: Aaron Amato
Hometown: Wyoming, MI
My passion: “Before Reliv, I couldn’t do the things that made me, me. I am so much happier playing football. With Reliv, I can pursue my passion. I’m like a kid again!”
Favorite products: “My daily shake includes the ‘big three’: Reliv Now®, Innergize!® and FibRestore®. I also enjoy ProVantage® and 24K™ healthy energy shots.”
24K: “I always bring extra double-shots of 24K to the locker room before a football game. Several of my teammates want that extra edge without the dangerous sugar and caffeine of other energy drinks.”
Nutrition for my lifestyle: “Reliv nutrition gives me the energy and stamina I need to balance all aspects of my life — playing football, running my business and, most importantly, being a new dad!”
Diabetes Problem
Name: Becky Bauman
Hometown: Drayton, Ontario
Is a great believer in prevention and the value of Reliv’s nutritional products — especially GlucAffect® — in helping healthy people stay healthy.
“My family has a history of diabetes,” Becky says. “I found myself gaining weight, I was always thirsty and my feet often had a tingling sensation — all signals of a potential problem with diabetes. When GlucAffect came out, I brought two cans home from conference to give it a try.”
“I really lost my cravings for sugar and junk food,” Becky says. “To me, prevention is so important. Maintain your health, rather than wait for something to go wrong and then try and treat it.”
“I have complete confidence in Reliv’s nutritional products,” she continues. “I know they work!”
Digestive and Migraine Headaches
Name: Rosemary Biehn
Hometown: Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Knew her body was not functioning the way it should. “I had chronic problems with my digestive system — everything I ate went right through me,” Rosemary explains.
While Rosemary learned to live with her digestive problems, the migraine headaches that would strike every month left her completely unable to function. “The pain, nausea, and diarrhea were so severe that all I could do for an entire day was lie in a dark room,” she recalls.
“I tried all kinds of nutritional supplements but couldn’t find the right balance,” Rosemary continues. “So, when I found out about Reliv — and I saw that I could get everything I need by simply taking two shakes a day — I decided to give the products a try.
“Within three days of starting on Reliv, I felt much better,” she says.
Being Well & Living Well
Name: Gwen McNaught
Hometown: Perth, WA
Reliv Regimen: Reliv Now, A-affect, FibRestore, ReShape, ReversAge and Innergize!
When a friend introduced me to Reliv 23 years ago I thought I was fit and healthy. However, once I started enjoying the Reliv products it was so noticeable that I had more energy and no longer had sugar cravings for cakes and chocolates. People around me wanted Reliv too.
Every day I enjoy the goodness of a Reliv Now, A-Affect, Fibrestore, ReversAge and Innergize shake which helps maintain my good health and gives me ongoing energy throughout the day. I also replace an occasional meal with ReShape or have it of an afternoon instead of snacking.
I love to travel and Reliv has given me the mobility, energy and income opportunities to do so whenever I choose. Flying over Cape York Peninsula in a Helicopter while on an Air Tour around Outback Queensland was the highlight from my most recent trip!
Maintained Health
Name: Howard Trenorden
Hometown: Ridgehaven, SA
Reliv Regimen: Reliv Now, Innergize!
I was first introduced to Reliv while on holiday in Victoria, in 1997. The person who told me about Reliv invited my wife Barbara and I to try the products and attend a Reliv meeting. We were impressed by the meeting, particularly the testimonies about the products, and the business opportunity that it created. So we decided to sign up as Distributors.
To this day I have two scoops of Now, and two scoops of Innergize daily. My health is great and many people I meet can’t believe that I am 75, going on 76.
At our age, Barbara and I still manage to go dancing a couple of times a month. I am a member of a charity singing group which keeps me busy on average twice a week and the money we raise goes to our local Modbury Hospital. I also deliver meals for Meals on Wheels once a week, which I love doing. I have no plans to slow down so I will be enjoying Reliv daily, for the rest of my life.
Living Life Again
Name: Jan Wright
Hometown: Bracken Ridge, QLD
Reliv Regimen: Reliv Now, LunaRich X Capsules, ReShape, A-affect, Innergize!
I have been a headache sufferer since I was 7 years old, so for nearly 37 years. When they started, it was only once every 4-6 weeks and then progressed to several per week. I also had joint health issues. My joints were swelling and I experienced a lot of discomfort. My health rapidly declined as the migraines took over. I found that there was more and more of my life that I couldn’t live because of them, but I was determined to do something about it.
In early 2013 I heard about Reliv and started consuming Reliv nutrition. The results were amazing. I started sleeping better and experienced improvement in my general wellbeing.
Today I feel great. My doctor is very pleased with my proactive lifestyle as am I. I will comtinue to take Reliv nutrition every day, as I now have my active life back.
Winning Gold
Name: Peter Couttie
Hometown: Portland, VIC
Reliv Regimen: Reliv Now, FibRestore, Innergize!
In 2000, at age 70, I was training for the world Triathlon Championships when a car knocked me off my racing bike. He hit me at a speed of about 100 K/H. The surgeon said I should have died but my body was strong enough to repair itself. I was in intensive care for three weeks and out of hospital in another three weeks.
The accident damaged my last three lumbar vertebrae and tilted the pelvis so that gradually, I had to stop running. Prior to my accident I had been consuming Reliv nutrition for five years and was in great shape. Although I couldn’t run I continued to compete in cycling and swimming, and found the Reliv products helped with my recovery after training.
I have been overseas many times, first with the Australian Masters Track and Field team, then with the triathlon team. In August 2015 I travelled to Kazan in Eastern Russia to compete in the World Championships where I won three Gold, one silver, and one 4th place. Reliv has been part of my wellness regimen for over 20 years and I wouldn’t be without it.
Quick Recovery
Name: Yiannis Kouros
Hometown: VIC, Australia
“Combining a heavy training programme and a job in my early career demanded a lot from me both physically and mentally. A few injuries forced me to take a break from running for a few years but I slowly got back into it. In 2012 I achieved 12 age group records and participated in the last two World 24hour Championships.”
“When I was living in Melbourne I was juggling study with racing, which often made it hard to find the energy and motivation to perform at my best. Reliv Innergize has become my favourite performance drink when I’ve needed a clear mind to concentrate while keeping up with the physical demands of racing. I’ve combined this with Reliv NOW after races to assist my body and have found it a useful product for quick recovery.”
All Day Energy
Name: Daniel Park
Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand
“I was a person who couldn’t go to sleep at a normal time. I used to go bed around 3am in the morning and wake up around 8am, then off to school like a zombie. I would return home very tired, but still couldn’t fall asleep at a normal hour. When I started on Reliv nutrition, I felt my energy levels increase and I was able to get off the merry-go-round of bad sleep habits. I started going to bed at a normal time and now wake up early, full of energy all day.”
Weight Down
Name: Rennus Crossley
Hometown: VIC, Australia
“It was 2001 that I started on Reliv nutrition and taking the recommended two scoop of products every late afternoon. It meant I was not so hungry and was able to put less on the dinner plate. After three months of eating less and exercising more, I had lost over 6kgs in weight which helped reduce my blood pressure and normalise my cholesterol.”
Name: Lynne Culph
Hometown: VIC, Australia
Chronic Allergies: Reliv came into my life over 23 years ago when my own health was severely compromised. I was a chronic allergy sufferer for most of my life and had been hospitalised for six weeks at one stage because my eczema was so bad. I was rapidly becoming allergic to everything I was touching or using on a regular basis. I was told I had the worst case of food allergies the hospital had ever seen, and had a very restricted diet. The allergies soon turned to chemicals, then the environment, and I was told my prognosis was to eventually live in a bubble away from everything I was rapidly becoming allergic to.
Energy Back: I had lived on medication for many years, high doses of steroids and I’d lost count of the alternative treatments I’d tried over the years. I was already supplementing my diet, but after three days trying Reliv products I got some of my energy back, which was wonderful as I hadn’t had energy for years. After six months enjoying the product I was full of vitality, and have been ever since. I am now 62 and feel better than when I was 30.
All in the Family
Name: Jane-Ann & Harry Butler
Hometown: QLD, Australia
“Harry started taking Reliv to increase his energy while he did renovations on our house. Our son, Julian, was looking for focus and concentration to fuel his studies. After seeing their results, I decided to try it even though I was already very healthy. Since then, my energy has increased and I sleep more soundly.”
Stronger Immune System
Name: Maria van Olphen
Hometown: Cebu City
“I have always been allergic to dust, mold, cats and dogs, rag weeds, chemical cleaning products, change in temperature, among others. While I was in a military deployment, I was so scared that a sudden exposure to allergen would trigger my sneezing and blow our operation. I’ve tried to avoid every possible allergen and tried several types of medications to help address the symptoms but they only worked temporarily.
I’m so glad I found Reliv because the improved nutrition I’ve experienced with the products has definitely helped reduce my allergy attacks. What’s more, my friends began complimenting the positive changes in me — better complexion, higher energy level and extra cheerfulness. I am forever grateful to Reliv for leading me to better health and giving me the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest.”
Healthy Aging
Name: Sonny Manlapig
Hometown: Parañaque City
“I used to play lawn tennis almost every other day but when I started growing older, my knees and back felt weaker and I had to reduce my physical activities including my favorite sports. Good thing I found Reliv! The products provided my body with the most complete set of nutrients I needed and it also helped boost my immune system.
ReversAge is a great help in keeping my body stronger. I feel younger inside and out. My friends say I look younger today and more revitalized than I did 10 years ago. I’m very happy that I was able to go back to the tennis court and play tennis regularly. ReversAge is an amazing nutritional supplement that will really help you get the most out of your life.”
Menstrual Cramps
Name: Leni Padero with daughter Allen
Area: Manila
“I no longer suffer from monthly menstrual cramps which I had to bear with for 18 years. I knew the products really work so I started giving it to Allen who loves the flavors of Reliv Now for Kids. I’m very happy that she has become healthier and stronger with Reliv. I also noticed that she is now more mentally alert and has a sharper memory. In fact, she has been a consistent honor student in her class and I couldn’t be prouder.
Waking up each day to see my daughter in the pink of health and growing smarter is such a wonderful blessing that money can’t buy. And now, I have peace of mind and an increased energy level to help me get through each day as a mother, entrepreneur, IT consultant, PTA officer and friend to others.”
Healthy Weight Loss
Name: Malou Reyes
Area: Puerto Princesa City
“I was skinny as a kid but my body started to fill out as I approached my late 20s. Unfortunately, with the weight gain came the health concerns elevated blood pressure and increase of blood sugar level.
With Reliv Slimpicity, I take the shakes in place of one or two meals because it provides my body with the optimum nutrition that I need on a daily basis. This is healthy weight loss! From a size 16, I dropped to a size 12 after just six weeks into the products. Losing weight should never be at the expense of our overall health. Reliv products work!”
Successful Weight Loss
Name: Evelyn Uy
Area: Cebu City
“When I look at my old pictures now, I still couldn’t believe at how big I used to be. But I still remember how difficult it was to get clothes that fit. I also recall the numerous diet programs that I’ve tried but failed because I got hungrier when I skipped meals and it only resulted to overeating a lot of unhealthy foods.
I’m so glad I found Reliv! The products helped me achieve amazing weight-loss results and I am able to maintain my healthy and slimmer figure for years now. People notice how different I look todayand I enjoy the compliments. I also feel more energetic and youthful today than I was years ago. Reliv really works!”
Stronger Immune System
Name: Micah Co with wife Zeny and sons Milo & Micoh
Area: Binondo, Manila
“My wife Zeny and I used to worry about our sons because they both suffered from weak immune systems. They would easily get sick and had to miss a lot of school days. They couldn’t join sports activities or play for a long time with other kids because they get tired easily. We spent a lot for their medicines every month. When we gave them Reliv Now for Kids shake, they were excited because they love chocolate and vanilla drinks. They always drink Reliv to help them become healthier and stronger.
Today, our sons don’t get sick as much as before so they don’t miss school anymore. They can also play with their classmates, go swimming and play table tennis. Our family’s very happy now because they are enjoying a lot of activities.”
Better Cholesterol Control
Name: Sri Suryani Hadiprodjo
Country: Indonesia
I start using Reliv 1 year ago when I was struggling with my cholesterol levels and when I started taking the product I notice right away that I had increased energy that sustained me through the day and I was sleeping better. After a few month I notice my cholesterol levels had decreased!
I go to my Doctor, he really amazed with my result and he still keep me doing exercise, every morning I always walk in jogging track, I’m not young anymore but my energy was full recharge! I feel so young because I can beat the young girls who was do the exercise in the jogging track. And everybody starting ask about my stamina! Thank you Reliv.
Knee Discomfort
Name: R. AY Noor Julia
Country: Indonesia
I just want to express my satisfaction how Reliv Products worked for me. I am no longer waking in the middle of the night with knee discomfort and the first thing my husband and I noticed was feeling less tired all the time. Having energy throughout the day, without the mid-afternoon crash, equals more time for activities and feeling accomplished at the end of the day.
We have continued to share these products with friends and family. Before Reliv, a friend of mine complained of joint discomfort in his finger, which he could not bend to touch his palm without excruciating discomfort, making it difficult to work. After taking Reliv Now® and LRX™ for about 2 weeks, he now has more flexibility in his finger, noting much less discomfort.
Another friend of mine, whose hair has been receding, went to his barber. As the barber was giving him his usual flattop haircut he asked him what he’s been doing because his hair is now thicker! Needless to say our friend is very excited about this product, which is why I am going to continue to order again and again. Thank you Reliv!
Achy Joints and Feet Discomfort
Name: Sri Lies Lestari
Country: Indonesia
I’m 69 years old and I am a social activist. I’m very busy and have a lot of activities with my organisation like singing, dancing, etc.
Before Reliv: I grew very concerned when I began to experience achy joints and discomfort in my feet. I was also dealing with discomfort in my knees, I could not get up and down the stairs or wear high heels – how can I dance without my high heels?
After Reliv: After only a short time on Reliv, my feet felt so much better. The discomfort drastically lessened. My knees have significantly improved. My heart health and cholesterol are at healthy ranges and what I like best about Reliv, is that I now get a good night’s sleep every night! It’s amazing how Reliv nutrition and supplementation has improved my overall health. I will never stop taking my shakes.
Menopausal Symptoms
Name: Evelyn Tan
Country: Singapore
She was suffering from menopausal symptoms for two years when she was introduced to Reliv in December 2006. She experienced a lot of discomfort that affected her work and daily activities.
I experienced depression and hot flashes for two long years. Oftentimes, I easily became irritated and hot-tempered. I would feel down every day and people around me would be affected by my mood swings, recalls Evelyn. I also had irregular sleeping patterns. I would always wake up in the middle of night and tired every morning and it was very hard to accomplish my daily activities both at home and in school.
After only a month of taking the products, Evelyn says, I realized that my attacks of hot flashes decreased and I felt more energetic. My sleeping pattern became normal and I started enjoying uninterrupted sleep.
Health Issues
Name: Steven Koh
Country: Malaysia
During his younger years, he was very active in judo and the martial arts. Unfortunately, a variety of health issues came up. Steven says, I had a stiff neck, back pain, muscle cramps, arthritis, and severely dry skin.
My friend was very persistent and eventually I was convinced and started on the products It didn’t take long to start noticing results. I felt a significant increase in energy right way, especially at the gym, Steven says. My neck was now more flexible and I had full range of motion. My abdomen and back were as good as new. The dry, cracking skin on my fingers and elbows cleared up, and my tummy disappeared. At last, the middle-age spread was gone!
Now Steven’s entire family is on the products and they are all very healthy.
You may read here on how Reliv’s Fit3™ fitness and weight loss program helps people of all health levels create and maintain a healthier body for life.
You may also want to watch the following video to find out more:
To order Reliv products, please click here.
To join as a preferred customer for product discount, please click here.
Reliv’s products are available in the United States, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Austria, Netherlands, France and Indonesia.
Reliv Europe can ship Reliv’s products to other European countries such as Belgium, Corsica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Luxembourg.