According to a popular belief, opening the windows for half an hour in the morning is enough for preserving the high quality of the indoor air. Admittedly, that’s an important component of keeping the indoor air fresh, but you should definitely consider applying a few natural remedies.
They have been used as air purifiers for quite a long time and if you have a respiratory problem, you will immediately tell the difference in the air freshness before and after applying the techniques mentioned below:
- In order to preserve the good quality of the indoor air, the best thing you can co is to eliminate the source of pollution. As you know sofas and carpets collect dirt and dust particles and failing to take care of them inevitably leads to deterioration in the air quality. The best method for eliminating all dirt and germs is by booking for professional cleaning services or at least give your carpet a shake on a regular basis. The same applies to the stuffed animals (if any).

Purify home air naturally
- You might have a beautiful garden, but what do you think about adding a few more plants to the interior? Placing a pot near your desk or in the rooms where you and your family spend most of the time is recommended. Apart from purifying the air, the flower pots would make the room look more elegant. Butterfly Palm, Peace Lilly, Rubber Tree, English Ivy, Chinese Evergreen, everything works.
- If you never find time to take care of the ventilation system, then, don’t be surprised if the quality of the indoor air is poor. The proper ventilation system improves the air circulation and as a result, the stale odors at your home will be gone once and for good.
- Consider installing special filters designed for catching the contaminants from the indoor air. You can find them in every home improvement store. Beware that they are a bit expensive, but you will get your money worth as they do an excellent job.
- If you are a fan of home remedies, you must have heard about the fantastic applications of beeswax. As you have already presumed, it can also help you purify the indoor air. All you need to do is to light a few beeswax candles. The paraffin ones are more widespread but they release petroleum products, which actually have the opposite effect. Instead of refreshing the air, it makes it more polluted. In comparison, beeswax candles neutralize the toxic compounds, not to mention they burn more slowly.
- Another inexpensive and easy to apply method for air purification is by taking advantage of the great properties of the activated charcoal. It is also known as an active carbon and if you are into the idea of buying special air-purifying filters, you’d better ask for carbon ones.
- If you have always considered the Himalayan pink salt lamps a total waste of money, think twice as the pink salt is an excellent air purifier. The Himalayan salt lamp can serve as both a fancy decoration and an air purifier.
- If you keep the room temperature too high and you have been outside for a while, you will consider the air nasty when you get back in the room. In other words, keep the temperature in the reasonable range during the winter. You will not only save up from electricity, but you will also preserve the high quality of the air.
Don’t hesitate to try these proven air purification tricks. There is no commercial air purifier that would do as good job as the aforementioned tricks.