What does that mean and how do we go about to achieve them? To do that we need to provide our bodies with the best possible nutrients for maintaining cellular wellness and cell function.

Nutrition and Health
I am going to share with you what our diet must have for us to achieve optimum nutrition and for good health.
Nutrient Diversity and Abundance
There is always saying that we need to consume a variety of nutrients for optimal health. Why so? This is simply because different nutrients can act together synergistically. For example, vitamin C and E fight free radicals much more effectively when consumed from whole food sources than when taken separately as isolated supplements. In fact, nutritional supplements such as green foods are a few such sources due to they contain the natural complexity of whole foods.
Nutrient Digestion and Absorption
We may be surprised to know that digestion and absorption of nutrients should not be looked at separately since they are critical to good health. Without good digestion, nutrients will not get absorbed into our blood stream and delivered to our cells. Among the functions of digestive enzymes and other nutrients is to help keep our digestive tract operating efficiently in order for us to absorb nutrients more effectively.
Antioxidant Protection against Free Radicals
We often hear that free radicals cause harm to our body, but why so? Free radicals are the oxygen-containing molecules created in our cells during normal metabolism, and they can also come from pollutants in the environment. They are no good for our body and health because they can damage our cells thus responsible for much of the damage caused by many diseases. In this case, antioxidants play a crucial role and it acts as our best defense against the damage caused to our cells resulted from the free radicals. To achieve optimal health, it is advisable to take in large amounts of nutrients found in whole foods to help us fight free radicals more effectively every day.
Gentle Detoxification
We may not be aware that every day, we ingest destructive toxins such as heavy metals and pollutants from the environment. It will come to a point that these toxins will weaken our tissues and lead to disease unless these toxins can be removed from our bodies. To this effect, green foods that contain high chlorophyll content are the excellent detoxifiers that can help lessen the build up of toxins.
I hope what I have shared with you can lead you to achieve optimum nutrition and good health.
Tan Kok Hui
Nutrition Made Simple, Life Made Rich