Having a pet as your friend and companion can bring you a great joy but it is and always will be a great responsibility. A pet is a living being of which you are completely in charge and in care of. It relies on you for food and protection and this protection yet again comes in many different dimensions. One of them is of course the problem of parasites.
There are many different ways in which parasites can harm your beloved pet and many different kinds of parasites that endanger them, still when it comes to dogs, no parasites are more persistent than fleas. There are also numerous methods of fighting fleas, however not all of them are completely free of risk for the health of your pet. Sometimes, taking this risk is simply not an option, especially when there’s a whole array of earth friendly solutions to this problem.
Keep Your Pet Clean
The thing about parasites is that regardless of how clean you keep your pet it is never 100% safe from their influence, still it significantly increases their chances. Make sure that you groom your pets regularly and that you do it the right way. In doing this, you will achieve another important thing and that is being able to perform a regular flea inspection. Like anything else, a flea treatment is more effective if performed early in their infestation process and in order for you to manage to do this you need to spot them early on.
It is also important to mention that fleas somehow always seem to find the way, even if you keep your pet as clean as possible it is still bound to come in contact with other pets and even people who might be infected. Because of this even never taking your pet outside, which shouldn’t even be an option, is not a guarantee of safety.
Be Mindful of What You Use
There are many products out there that pride themselves in solving your flea problems once and for all. Still, these things are seldom what they are believed to be. Despite their advertising which claims that they successfully solve all of your flea problems, this is usually not so. Even flea-bomb as the most famous of these solutions is not 100% efficient and hazard free, so there are some things you be aware of before you start using it if in the end you do make your mind for it.
Always Look for an Earth-Friendly Solution
Sure, there will always be an easy way out but the easy way out at any cost is sometimes not an acceptable solution. Since it is required of you to apply this product, if it comes to that, on your beloved pet and potentially allow it to spread all over your home, where you and your family live, it would definitely be for the best if you made up your mind for one of the numerous organic pest control products.
Additional Tips and Advices
There are also some additional tips and tricks that you can use to fight fleas. First of all, to prevent them from ever entering your home you can leave some eucalyptus leaves all around the perimeter, its strong smell serves as a natural repellent for this pest. Inside of your home however, it was noticed that fleas are often attracted to soapy water, so this might be an easy and earth friendly way to lure them out and make them reveal themselves. Just leave a pot with soapy water overnight and you will soon see the results.
Taking care of your pet should always be your top priority and when there is a life of a living being at stake, there should be no compromise. Do all that you can to set things right but always remember to do all the research required before you decide to make your move. Safety always comes first.