As you may know there are different ways of removing unwanted hair but to know which works best for you is a matter of trial and error.
Electrolysis: This is regarded as a permanent way of removing unwanted hair. How it works is that the roots are killed by a small electric current passing through a fine needle. You need to relax yourself in a chair and let the operator treats the hairs. Although fine hairs which have never been tampered with may disappear in one go but some may experience hairs reappear and need several follow up treatments. You will experience discomfort during the treatment which can be anything from a slight tingle to a short and sharp pain. The extent of your discomfort will depend on the sensitivity of your skin and the skill of the person who performs the electrolysis for you.
Waxing: This hair removing treatment can last for 3 to 6 weeks. The waxing process will rip out your hair at the roots with no dark shadow remains and regrowth is not usually stubbly. Despite this, many people are avoiding this method to remove unwanted hair for fear or for not liking the application of hot, waxing and the ripping off involved in the process. In reality, the wax need not be hot but should be warm enough to be effective and then there are even cold applications for home use.
To avoid any complication that might arise, I suggest that you should have a salon wax first. This is because you could get the necessary advice and learn the techniques from the salon. You will notice that hair regrowth is weaker and is much easier for you to deal with after the salon wax. You need to prepare for post-wax tingle especially in areas where strips have overlapped. You may experience tenderness and pinkness in your skin – if so, you need to take into account this if you plan to have special occasion such as sunning by allowing at least a day in between your waxing.
Shaving: This technique lets you cut the hair across at skin level but the stubble will usually grow again in 1 to 4 days. You can ‘wet’ shave or use an electric razor. Ladies’ razors are scaled to perform well under arms and around knees. To close shave by using an electric razor, it is suggested to first apply a pre-shave lotion or talcum powder to dry the skin thoroughly. To wet shave, warm water and soap is preferable than a shaving cream because our skin is too soft for that.
Depilatories: These are chemical hair-removers and they can be in cream, lotion or mousse consistency. This way of hair removing can give you a smoother effect than shaving and the result is usually slightly longer-lasting. To achieve the desired result, you need to follow the manufacturer’s directions on how to apply as well as to leave it on for how long. Generally you need to clean the area with warm water, follow by applying depilatory with a spatula to a thickness of one-eighth of an inch and leave on for the recommended time.
Tweezing: This is ideal for isolated hairs and eyebrows but not for patches of hair. Tweezing can provide you with a result that can last for 1 to 4 days. However, some people may not like tweezing because when a hair is pulled it causes splits at the root; the consequence of this is that when comes to the next growth, two hairs appear in place of one. Tweezers can come in ordinary-grip or scissor-grip styles with three different types of tip – straight-across, diagonal and spoon-shaped. The straight-across tweezers seem to take a firmer hold on the hair; the diagonal ones cope better with obstinate stubble. What you must not do is to pluck hairs growing from moles.
Bleaching: This technique is effective for up to 4 weeks and can minimize the appearance of hair. To avoid allergic reaction, it is suggested to perform a patch test to the unbroken skin.