Believe you have heard that a good foundation will even up your skin tone and help to hide any trouble spots. For example, i) beige or cream tones help to tone down a florid skin; ii) pink tones emphasize a fair skin and add glowing color to a sallow skin; iii) neutral beige tones give a delicate look and tone down a ruddy complexion. For older skins, beige tones are generally more flattering. To look healthy with an outdoor glow, golden honey should be your preference. However, never make the mistake to try to alter your coloring too much with foundation — choose a color within two shades lighter or darker than your skin tone.
Foundations are available in creams, cakes, gels and liquids. Generally, the texture of a foundation can help you achieve your ideal skin tone that makes you look great and feel young. A liquid foundation is ideal to provide you with a light protective film yet a fairly good coverage. What you need to do is to dot the liquid all over your face and neck and smooth in lightly with downward strokes. You need to blend quickly and carefully especially around the hairline and jaw and must also make sure that the color fades out with no obvious demarcation lines.
Use your fingertips or a barely damp sponge to obtain a thin even film. Apply foundation over moisturizer and under powder for a lovely, lasting effect.
To find the shade that’s best for you, compare the color in the bottle or tube with the skin tone on the inside of your wrist or on your neck in daylight.
Using powder
You may not aware that over half of the most common problems with make-up are caused by not wearing powder. I believe you may sometimes hear your friends complained their make-up often disappears by 11 o’clock in the morning and that they also become greasy-looking very quickly after application. Fortunately, powder can take the shine off your face and can also give your skin a velvety finish that often makes you look young, feel great and be more beautiful. You need to know the best kind to use is translucent and that color should come from your foundation and not your powder. It is also easier to achieve the ‘see through’ look if you use a loose powder rather than a pressed one.
To apply powder: In the mornings, pat loose powder on lightly with cotton wool or a powder puff over your foundation, then dust off the excess. Artists’ brushes, the plump fluffy sable ones, are also ideal for applying powder. For the smoothest finish, always blend in powder using downward movements since this is the direction in which facial hair and down grows. If you stroke your face in the opposite direction, you will fluff up the fine hair and make it more visible.
To finish: After applying your foundation and powder, for good measure you can wring out a cotton wool ball in icy cold water and lightly pat it all over your face. This will set the make-up and help its ‘staying power’.
I am very sure with the proper use of foundation and powder — you will be looking young, feeling great and be a more beautiful woman.