Do you think a healthy lifestyle is a one-size-fits-all stuff for enjoying good health and live life to your fullness? The answer is a resounding: NO. What this means is that each of us will need to discover what are those healthy measures that are right for us, and to incorporate them into our everyday […]
Longevity Secrets that You Ought to Know
As far as longevity secrets are concerned, the usual things that appear in our mind will be: Let’s do everything we can to put it off! Is longevity just pure good luck? Are there any controllable factors to prevent the damaging effects of aging? Which one is loading the gun, genetics or the environment? Take […]
Medication Problems in Older Adults You Want to Avoid
Did you ever come across people who are healthy and active, but all of a sudden, crashed to the floor? If yes, you will notice this often happened to older adults, and they usually do not have idea why they had fainted. In this article, I hope to share with you some common medication problems […]
Feeling Fatigue and Tired All the Time? What Must You Do?
If you often feel tired, lack of energy or feeling lethargic all the time even after you have had enough sleep all the time, it is time for you to seriously look into it. It may not be something that simple as most people like to think about such as due to daylight savings time hangover […]
How to Beat Burnout
Is your daily routine hectic and stressful? Do you suffer from constant fatigue, rarely sleep well, and continue to gain weight? Do you often moody? If your answers to the above are “Yes” or some “Yeses”, you are likely experiencing what in psychology termed as “burnout”. To achieve a level of wellness or a state […]
Assessing Your Weight
Do you assess your weight and health by looking at the body weight? If so, please not to think this is the only way for you to evaluate your weight and health. There are various factors need to consider as body weight alone does not tell you how much fat you have or where it […]