Being fit, is about more than just physical appearance. In order to get in the shape of your lifetime sacrifices need to be made and every time you make one of these sacrifices, a part of you changes. Now before this last sentence gets misinterpreted, it does not change for worse. Some of these changes are in fact extremely positive. The end result is that fit people have a bit different insight on the world and here are some examples of how this works.
- Exercise is not a chore
To fit people, exercise in not a chore, it is a part of their daily routine. To a person who trains regularly and maintains a healthy lifestyle for a prolonged period of time, training becomes a must. That person could no more stop exercising than he or she could stop eating breakfast every day. While unfit people observe exercise as a chore and a nuisance, fit people just couldn’t imagine their day without it.
- Self-improvement is the word
As you can probably guess, most of the people start training in order to lose weight or just to feel a bit better about themselves. For these people, exercise is nothing more than a necessary evil. It is something that you try to get over as quickly as possible. With fit people, you can see the difference in dedication right away. A person who likes to train improves him or herself all the time. If they can run today just a step or two more than they did yesterday they consider this as a great success, as they should.
- Not being afraid to fail
Failure is one of the most essential parts of life. Just think about it, failure is what gives success its worth so never be afraid of failure. If everyone was capable of doing anything on a first try, there wouldn’t even exist need for the word achievement. Fit people know that in order to get where you want to be, you must endure your share of failure and disappointment. The only difference between winners and losers is not in the amount of times they failed but in the amount of times they managed to pick themselves up.
- Looking for excuses
There is nothing easier that convincing yourself there was nothing you could do. A convenient lie is often what hurts you most in the long run. Once a person encounters an obstacle, they reveal their true selves. Some people will just turn around and go back, stating that there was nothing they could do, while some will take the longer road around it. As the popular proverb goes: “where there’s a will, there’s always a way.” Still having an admirable power of will is something that you need to work on as well.
- The easy way out
Sure there are days when even the strongest in will, feel like quitting everything and just going back to bed. This is where weak people start to make excuses, skip exercises, eat a bit more or cheat on their reps. Sure the path of least resistance is always extremely convenient, but if you dream of achieving success this is a path that you shouldn’t even consider. Working hard on making your dreams come true even if you don’t feel like it, even if you no longer clearly see the end goal is what separates true champions from the rest.
- Not just about lifting
Some people will see being fit as something that is in connection only with lifting things and doing exercises. However, to achieve this you must change almost every aspect of your life starting with your diet. First replace fast food with organic and protein rich food. Then add a lot of vegetables and fruit to the mix. Another thing is that you should do is remove coffee from menu and replace it with healthier alternative. Green tea x50 is a suitable substitute because although it already possesses the caffeine, it also works as an antioxidant.
- Having the patience
If your morale is already low it’s easy to get discouraged. It is a fact that although the progress is greatest in the beginning (at the end of the day everything beats status quo) the results, real results, won’t be visible for quite some time. This is where unfit people will most likely quit. They won’t see the progress they expected in the mirror two weeks into training and they will just find it convenient to quit. In the long run this might not turn out to be so convenient after all.
- Prevention vs. treatment
It is a known fact that regular physical exercise brings many health benefits. People who exercise more have a lower risk of developing a heart condition or problems with blood pressure. Unfortunately, most people wait until they start developing some of these problems before they do something about it. As always, prevention is far better solution than having to undergo a complicated treatment process. Act like your life depends on the way you exercise because in the end it really does.
- Seeing the forest or the trees
The thing is what you must always have your goal in mind and remember that means are not the end. Most people get discouraged because getting in shape is simply too hard for them. To them, the end goal, being fit and in the shape of your lifetime does not seem enough to endure all the sacrifice that needs to be made. Fit people on the other hand see being fit as a privilege, and will do all that it takes to keep this privilege alive.
- The planning stage
Fit people know that planning stage should be as brief as possible since the longer you spend there, it would be harder to spring yourself back to action. Procrastination is a silent killer and in order to get something done you need to end it abruptly. Nothing is easier and more beautiful than fantasizing about your dream figure entire day but that goal is not going to be achieved on its own.
- Opinions of others
Opinions of people close to you are important, but you shouldn’t let them be a determining factor. Remember just one thing, it is your opinion that matters the most and when it comes to pleasing people it is a paramount that you satisfy yourself first. Actions of others should not influence you as well. So what if someone can run faster than you or train more, the only competition you have is you alone.
Although separately, each of these insights seems quite small, put together they create a completely unique set of ideas. This could even be called a winner mentality since people living by just these few simple postulates tend to achieve great things in life. In a sound body sound sprit and in order to succeed in anything you should first learn how to master your own organism.